Turkey November-january Unemployment Rate Rıses To 13.5%

Turkey's unemployment rate rose to 13.5% in the November 2009 to January 2010 period, compared with 13.1% in the October-December period of 2009, the Turkish Statistics Institute said Monday.

The rate was 14.0% in the November-January period a year earlier.

The number of people in employment totaled 21.45 million in the November 2009 to January 2010 period, while the number of unemployed was 3.36 million.

In the corresponding period a year earlier, the number of employed totaled 20.46 million, while the number of unemployed was 3.33 million.

The number of those employed in non-agricultural sectors rose by 348,000 on the year in the November 2009 to January 2010 period, while the number of people employed in the agricultural sector rose by 637,000.

Excluding the agricultural sector, the unemployment rate fell to 16.6% in the November 2009 to January 2010 period from 16.8% a year earlier.

For the whole of 2009, the number of people in employment totaled 21.28 million, while the number of unemployed was 3.47 million.