Zorlu Enerjı Sells Oıl,gas Unıts To Transatlantıc Worldwıde

Turkey's Zorlu Enerji (ZOREN

Turkey's Zorlu Enerji (ZOREN.IS), the energy arm of Turkish textiles-to-electronics conglomerate Zorlu Holding AS, said Monday that it has signed a deal with TransAtlantic Worldwide Ltd. to sell its oilnatural gas explorationproduction operations for $96.5 million.

In a statement to the Istanbul Stock Exchange, Zorlu said it has sold its units Amity Oil International Pty Ltd.Zorlu Petrogas Petrol Gaz ve Petrokimya Urunleri Sanayi ve Ticaret AS.

At 1240 GMT, Zorlu Enerji shares were trading 3.17% higher at TRY2.60, amid a 0.34% higher overall market.