Turkısh Fınance Mınıstry Fınes Petrol Ofısı Over Tax Irregularıtıes

Turkish fueloil products retailer Petrol Ofisi AS (PTOFS.IS), or POAS, said late Friday that the country's finance ministry fined it 19.9 million Turkish lira ($12.6 million) over alleged tax irregularities after an audit of its 2005, 20062007 bank accounts.

Turkısh Fınance Mınıstry Fınes Petrol Ofısı Over Tax Irregularıtıes
  Turkish fueloil products retailer Petrol Ofisi AS ( PTOFS . IS ) , or POAS , said late Friday that the country ' s finance ministry fined it 19 . 9 million Turkish lira ( $12 . 6 million ) over alleged tax irregularities after an audit of its 2005 , 20062007 bank accounts .

In a statement to the Istanbul Stock Exchange , the company said it will use every kinds of its legal rights , including a settlement , won ' t pay the fine now .

Petrol Ofisi is controlled by Turkish conglomerate Dogan Holding ( DOHOL2 . IS ) Austrian energy firm OMV AG ( OMVKY , OMV . VI ) .

Dogan Yayin Holding ( DYHOL . IS ) , Turkey ' s largest media companya unit of Dogan Holding , is faced with a record 4 . 8 billion Turkish lira tax fine , which has attracted criticism at homeabroad , reflecting a long-running dispute between Turkey ' s ruling AK Partythe Dogan companies .

AK Partythe Dogan companies were previously in a dispute in 2008 after Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan accused Chairman Aydin Dogan of organizing a campaign against the government , the ruling AK Partyhis family by publishing reports of an alleged corruption in his newspapers .

However , Aydin Dogan rejected Erdogan ' s accusationsaccused the prime minister of harming freedom of the press .

Last year , the Turkish Energy Ministry lifted a ban on Petrol Ofisi from participating in public tenders for a year due to irregularities in a fuel-oil tender , in line with a court decision .

Petrol Ofisi shares Friday closed trading 0 . 79% higher at TRY6 . 40 , amid a 0 . 62% lower overall Istanbul market .